Tempo di lettura: 2 minutiMilanese armor in Gubbio The composite armor known as B3 is one of the captivating pieces permanently exhibited at the Diocesan Museum of Mantua. This work, of Milanese origin, is dated to around 1480, representing an authentic gem of Italian armor-making art. However, today, I want to share extraordinary images of this armor, not taken in its natural setting in Mantua but from the exhibition “Federico da Montefeltro e Gubbio: Federico da Montefeltro e Gubbio. Lì è tutto il nostro cuore e tutta l’anima nostra” which took place from June 20th to October 2nd, and was later extended until November 1st, 2022. This exhibition was set up to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the birth of Federico da Montefeltro (1422-2022), a renowned military leader, humanist, and patron of the Italian Renaissance. The exhibition provides a unique opportunity to delve into the history and art of the Montefeltro rule in Gubbio. This period spans from the birth of Federico in 1422 to the death of his son Guidobaldo in 1508, the year when the Montefeltro dynasty came to an end. The exhibition was distributed across three exhibition venues: Palazzo Ducale, Palazzo dei Consoli, and the Diocesan Museum. Specifically, Palazzo dei Consoli hosted a section dedicated in-depth to Federico da Montefeltro as a man at arms and condottiere. The exhibited works come from various museums, and almost all of them were displayed in glass cases open on all sides. This specific arrangement allowed me to take photos from distances and angles that would have been impossible in the original museum setting. In some cases, the same piece in its original museum setting might have been displayed with limited visibility. In this exhibition, however, thanks to the different museum arrangement and spacious settings, each work is made much more visible and enjoyable in its appearance. I hope these images can pique your interest and curiosity. In case you decide to share these photos or parts of them, I kindly request that you include the source link as a sign of recognition. Wishing you an enjoyable viewing experience! Some reference links (in italian): Official exhibition website: https://federico600.com/federico-da-montefeltro-e-gubbio-li-e-tucto-el-core-nostro-et-tucta-lanima-nostra/ Comune di Gubbio (Gubbio Municipality): https://www.comune.gubbio.pg.it/li-e-tucto-el-core-nostro-et-tucta-lanima-nostra/ Exhibition Catalog : https://www.silvanaeditoriale.it/exhibition/624/federico-montefeltro-gubbio-600-anni Official website of the Diocesan Museum in Mantua: http://www.museofrancescogonzaga.it/ In the VIDEO section of the FB profile of the Museo Diocesano di Mantova, you can relive the various phases of preparation for the loan of the armor: https://www.facebook.com/museo.gonzaga/videos If you want to learn more about the armors at the Museo Diocesano di Mantova, you can read: LE ARMATURE DI S.MARIA DELLE GRAZIE DI CURATONE DI MANTOVA E L’ARMATURA LOMBARDA DEL ‘400 Boccia, Lionello G. , Editore Bramante, 1982 Milanese armor in Gubbio Like this:Like Loading... Share This Previous ArticleA Sforzesco Standard for Sigismondo Malatesta No Newer Articles 11/09/2023